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Keep track of your embroidery floss, fabrics, projects, & more with a free account

Save to your account on any device, and access it on all your devices

Sign up for a free account to access all features.
Embraidery mobile app

Get the App for iOS

If you're using an iPhone or iPad, make sure this page is open in the Safari browser to install Embraidery as an app.

Tap the share button at the top or bottom of your screen and select "Add to Home Screen." Then tap "Add" to confirm.

Install Embraidery app on iOS

Get the App for Android

Tap the button to install the app.

A few seconds after confirming install, the app will be added to your homescreen or Apps folder.

If that doesn't work:

  1. Open your browser settings (the three dots or dashes at the top or bottom of your browser).
  2. Select "Install app" or "Add to Homescreen".
  3. Confirm the install to add the app to your screen.
Install Embraidery app on Android
Install Embraidery app on Android


Install Embraidery app on Android

What can you do with Embraidery?

Track your floss

Keep track of the DMC floss you have, mark your favorites, and add colors to your wishlist.

You can also create color palettes from scratch or with our image palette generator!

Save your fabric details

Never forget what type of fabric you use, what it’s made of, and where it’s from.

embroidery fabric

Start a project

Save details about your project like the pattern and fabric you’re using, its style, setting, subject, & more.

Add floss & stitches

Add the colors and stitches you use–or plan to use–on your project.

Share your progress

Show the progress you make over time with photo updates, even if it takes a year (or forever) to finish. 😄

Butterfly Embroidery

Mark your project as complete

When you’ve finished a project, mark it as complete and add photos of your finished project. Yay!

Embraidery finished project

Always have a record of your hard work.

(And maybe inspire a few people along the way!)

One more thing...

Start by creating your shop profile

Tell us where people can buy your designs and follow you on social media.

Embraidery patterns shop
embroidery pattern listing

Add your product information

Links, photos, and tags will help people find exactly what they’re looking for…as long as it’s cross stitch or embroidery. 😉

Let people find and save your products

Members will be able to save your listing, add it to their wishlist, or mark that they have it.

embroidery pattern directory

Does that sound good to you?

Jacquelyn and Louis


We’re Jacquelyn and Louis from New England, where we live with our son and dog.

I learned how to cross stitch as a kid, but rediscovered it a few years ago, along with a love for embroidery. Louis realized his own interest in making things by hand and jumped on the stitch train too.

We started Embraidery in 2020 as a way to track my floss so I’d stop buying duplicates of pretty colors at the craft store (DMC 3848, anyone?).

We expanded the features to include managing projects, fabric, and floss palettes, and have a few other ideas in the works. (Mind you, everything takes a lot longer with a toddler.)

We hope you enjoy using Embraidery, and if you have any suggestions, let us know!

Helping stitchers stay organized since 2020.