Floss Palette: Midnight Champagne Make a free account to save this palette Log in to mark floss as ownedLog in to save flossLog in to add floss to wishlist DMC 939 stranded cotton Log in to mark floss as ownedLog in to save flossLog in to add floss to wishlist DMC 550 stranded cotton Log in to mark floss as ownedLog in to save flossLog in to add floss to wishlist DMC 553 stranded cotton Log in to mark floss as ownedLog in to save flossLog in to add floss to wishlist DMC 3832 stranded cotton Log in to mark floss as ownedLog in to save flossLog in to add floss to wishlist DMC 352 stranded cotton added by Jacquelyn InspirationMore Floss Palettes Create an account or learn more!